Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Amey's Blog Interview Game

Amey has given me five very interesting questions to answer, so here goes:

1. Do you really believe that at your age you have any chance at all of becoming the next NBA superstar? There is precedence for relatively "senior" men performing at the very highest level of professional sports: Julio Franco (47 yrs.), first baseman for the Atlanta Braves, Satchel Paige (51 yrs.), pitcher for the Chicago White Sox, George Blanda (47 yrs.) place kicker for the Oakland Raiders, and Bobby Riggs (50 + yrs.) in professional tennis. The NBA would be particularly tough for an elder statesman to be able to cut the mustard. Michael Jordan was considered old when he made his last (?) NBA comeback at age 37. Messrs. Stockton, Malone, and Jabbar played past age 40, but no one has come close to 50. So, its going to be tough, but that will just make it all the more special, won't it? The term "superstar" does present questions though. I see myself more as a "role" player.

2. Describe a favorite memory you have of spending time with your family. Since I have so many good family memories, I think I'll just go with the most recent. Since school was cancelled today due to poor weather conditions, we decided to risk our lives by getting out on the icy roads, and do something fun together. I suggested to my wife and two daughters that we
visit our favorite Christian bookstore, buy a few good books, then have lunch at Der Dutchman--our favorite Amish restaurant. So that's what we did. The girls each found three or four good books, and my wife and I came up with about eight. I enjoy reading book titles as much as anything. They can be so interesting. Titles like: "When the belly Button Pops, the Baby's Done" and "She's Gonna Blow! Real Help for Moms Dealing with Anger". The one I settled on was "Good and Angry", a book that advertises that "if you don't see a reduction in your anger, then return the book along with your sales receipt" for a full refund. My wife and I are saving that receipt. You're probably thinking from the book titles I named that we must be really angry people, but we really aren't. (After thinking about what I just wrote, I thought that little disclaimer was in order.) Lunch and one of the famous creme filled Long Johns put a cap on a near perfect morning. We came home, got a nice hot fire going, and settled down for some reading and an afternoon nap.

3. Whom would you most like to meet and have a conversation with (someone who is living in the present)? Boy, this was a tough one; because there are so many fascinating people I'd love to meet and talk to. You might think I would choose Michael Jordan or David Robinson (an outstanding Christian and former NBA star), but if I had to choose just one person, I would probably go another direction. I think I'd pick Alistair Begg, Senior Pastor at Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio, and host of the radio ministry known as "Truth for Life." I admire Pastor Begg's skill in communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ in such a relevant and magnetic way. I wish I could communicate the Gospel as skillfully, winsomely, and fearlessly as he does.

4. Other than the Bible, what book has had the most influence on your life? This will probably surprise, and maybe disappoint some people; but I would say the "Deep Thoughts" books (There are at least four of them.) by author (??) Jack Handey might have influenced my life as much as any book other than the Bible. Mr. Handey has the kind of "off beat" humor that I love, and I believe laughter is a key ingredient in keeping us happy (Duh!), reducing stress, making us into attractive people, keeping our family relationships strong, and helping us to live longer, more productive lives.

5. What is it about your wife that you love the most? That we would be interested in knowing, that is. I could name so many things about my wife that I love. One would be nearly impossible, so let me name at least three: 1) My wife loves Jesus and His Church. Everything else she does flows out of this passionate love for Jesus. It motivates her like nothing else can. I love this about her because its a core value that we share. 2) My wife loves her children and grandchildren passionately. She lives and dies with them. There is nothing she would not do for them. She loves them way more than I do, and I love them alot. 3) My wife has an optimistic outlook on life. This is so important, because I tend to be more pessimistic, and she helps me see the good/bright side of things, people, and situations. I love this about her.


Blogger Amey said...

Sounds like a nice afternoon today. We couldn't do that in our family right now. But our kids are "in training" for such an afternoon in the future.

3:37 PM  
Blogger Blanda said...

George Blanda is my hero.

7:01 AM  

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