Saturday, May 03, 2008

How does THAT work??

I celebrated my 58th birthday last week, and my family made it a time I will always remember for all the right reasons. My wife and I did an overnight in Columbus at a "Hot Tub Hotel", and she and my adult children planned a picnic party at a park in a nearby town the next afternoon. It was so much fun. All my kids and Grandchildren were present. It was a little bit on the cool side, but sunny; and everyone had a great day.

I've had time to reflect on things for the past week, and I've concluded that I have done nothing to deserve the wonderful family God has blessed me with. Oh, I've done what I consider to be my best (most of the time) to communicate love to each member of my family; but so many times I've come up short on being the kind of husband, father, and grandfather that I want to be. And yet, despite my failings, God has seen fit to bless me with this awesome family. How does THAT work? Well, a lot of credit certainly goes to my wife--the most loving, unselfish lady on this planet. But she would be the first to deflect praise and credit to the One who really deserves all the cudos for a job well done.

I think a loving family is the most tangible representation of the grace and love of God this side of heaven. Think about it: What have I done to deserve the love and acceptance of my earthly family? Nothing. What have I done to deserve God's grace and favor? The answer, of course, is nothing. And yet for reasons unknown to me, He loves me. And its not just that He loves me--He is totally outrageous with His love and pursuit of a loving relationship with me. If God had waited til I was cleaned up and presentable before inviting me into His family, I'd still be on the outside looking in.

As it is, He has adopted me into His family--chose me for Himself, and so I have all the rights and privileges of a member of His family. And my inheritance?? Wow! I'm heavenbound.

Signed: one grateful, undeserving son of the Most High God.